Opie, Newfoundland

“Opie” Grandbear Wow Cute Brando CGC

Opie was an import from a breeder in Europe in 2015 to an individual in Texas. The owner neglected Opie and locked him in a small laundry room all day. The owner gave him medications to make him sleepy, so that he wouldn’t be active or chew on anything. The owner would feed him very little so that he didn’t have accidents. We were able to gain the trust of the owner, and offer a better home and life for Opie. We flew him from Texas to Portland and brought him into the Notta Bear home. When he arrived he was in very poor condition. His jaw was extremely misshaped as though it may have been broken at some point and not treated and/or healed poorly. His jaw was so poorly that if you handed him kibble or treats he would try to chew them and it would all fall out of his mouth. He was under weight and had little to no muscle mass. His back end was very weak and he walked hunched.

Opie stayed at Notta Bear for a couple of weeks while ourselves and our vet team evaluated him. We found an amazing home nearby where we could stay in contact with him and help support his new family if needed. Opie joined a beautiful family with other newfs, a dane, and corgi siblings! He is now a gorgeous adult with a wonderful Newf temperament. He unfortunately had to under go multiple surgeries but he did very well and has healed nicely. His jaw has improved vastly and is able to eat normally. Opie will always have some health issues connected to his early neglect and treatment but despite that his a loving Newf with a wonderful family that loves him. We still get to visit Opie and he even attends local Newfy events and meetups!